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SESGSY BOOK SMUT LEMONS SEGS MUST READ NOT CLICKBAIT Language: English Words: 37,159 Chapters: 7/? Comments: 12 Kudos: 25 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 294 Spin-off of Beneath the Glitch and the Damned & Ersatz Abyss. Just when things were settling down, it became very clear that DARquius was not the only one to fall between the cracks. Three.there's gotta be some Sburbnanigans going on. Where TF are All These Kids Coming From.Mentioned/Referenced Past Character Death.Auto-Responder | Lil Hal & Dirk Strider.Auto-Responder | Lil Hal & Dirk's Bro | Alpha Dave Strider.Dirk's Bro | Alpha Dave Strider & ARquiusprite.Dirk's Bro | Alpha Dave Strider & Dirk Strider.BreezefulSkies, Katreal Fandoms: Homestuck

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